Find a point of view, think ahead. Shape what is to come.

More than ever, companies and brands are moving in complex dynamic contexts. We accompany you in this process.

What brands need. An eloquent strategy, an inspiring design and a positioning that relates them to people. We design identities that meet today’s requirements and at the same time last beyond the day.

Creative, owner managed. Working omnidisciplinarily and thinking internationally.

What projects need. Dynamic teams of strategists, designers, coordinators, architects and programmers. People who can develop an idea and take it to the streets. We work in the areas of design, strategy, identity, retail, architecture and digital.

Find your location. Today, for tomorrow, with us.

We create solutions that are made for customers and touch people. Meticulous, innovative, courageous, distinctive, credible, market- and future-proof. We accompany daily brand and communication management as well as corporate transformation processes.

"We are a think tank. We are curators, a director's company, diverse, a speedboat, omnidisciplinary, brand-savvy, digital. We are what our clients need"

Thorsten Strozik –––––
Managing Director GSVI


Our services


Brand Strategy
Naming, Messaging, Claims
Brand & Corporate Identity


Design Programmes
Integrated Marketing Communications
Digital & Environmental Design
Product, Packaging & Retail Design
Service & Experience Design
Information & Graphic Design
Motion & Sound Design
Photography & Film
Language & Tonality
Design Standardisation


Identity & Design Assessments
Innovation Workshops
Brand Management Consulting
Client focused Research & Studies


20 years of GSVI
Anniversaries are about nothing less than time and what it gave time to. It is the fourth dimension that gives content to spaces. Time is precious, it is more than a span. It is everything.

Anything can happen in 20 years. GSVI has grown from its challenges over the past two decades, thanks to its clients. Synergies and interactions became solutions. With the experience in directing grew the competences and the self-confidence to apply them with the clients. With the sectors came the disciplines, skills with dynamic tasks. So, the picture of the whole became sharper. Repetition without routine. Time is everything.

Thorsten Strozik
Managing Director

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Annelie Tilly

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